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Being Stronger #Together – the podcasts


For a month now we’ve been sharing short podcasts recorded by our wonderful Nathan Wrigley. They were all unrehearsed and the podcasts are largely unedited – just people telling their stories of how they’re managing right now.

We're in something new.
We've not been here before, 
much has been lost 
but we're finding out more
about what matters most,
our purpose and whether
we'll pull further apart
or draw closer 

In Nathan’s words “some are helpful, others just plain fun, but they’re all intended to foster one thought… in a time when we’re being asked to stay apart, there are ways we can stay together.”

They were recorded at different times over the last few months and, as the way that we live is under constant change, things might have been different then than they are now. We hope that this is okay…

Carole Olinger shares how lockdown is encouraging more interaction with friends, with ideas aplenty, as well as her new blog.

Julio Andrade on working from home with his family – the learning experiences that we’d not have known otherwise.

Michelle Frechette, one of the kindest people in the WordPress community (and likely beyond!), shares more ideas and heart-melting moments.

Jan Koch shares what is a special time for him and his wife.

Anchen le Roux with her family at home in South Africa and the community spirit in her neighbourhood.

Grahame Thomson on how the Big Orange Heart and WordPress communities are benefiting him through this time.

Piccia Neri, living in Spain, and how she’s been able to help others with remote working now.

Robert Cairns shares his feeling that, in Canada, people are coming together more.

And there’s more through the rest of May! Each lasts about 10 minutes – short and sweet – enjoy!

And if you have a story to share with Big Orange Heart, something you feel other remote workers would like to hear – let us know.

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